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Comedian. Writer. Wise Ass.
Carolyn Plummer. God help us. Some comics rely on the monumental events of the day or the faux pas of the rich and famous. Not Carolyn. Carolyn pulls material from the hum-drum, day-to-day monotony of the life of everyman; and she does it well. To Carolyn the monumental is easy... it's our existence that's so hard, yet so ridiculous. Some women look in the mirror and complain that they aren't pretty enough, not rich enough, not young enough. Carolyn gives her reflection the finger.
The third child of a congregational minister and an "aloof" homemaker mother; "aloof"? She's clueless: her favorite band in Blootie and the Hoefish." C.P. Carolyn learned early on that she could lament or she could make fun. See her once and you'll quickly figure out which path she chose and you'll laugh. Possessing an uncanny ability to introspectively pull from places most of us hide.
Carolyn puts a nail through the hearts of whiners, self loathers and the self sorry of the world and makes the average seem hilarious and larger than life. Most of all, Carolyn's twisted perception of our common existence leaves audiences hysterically shaking heads in agreement that the world is indeed a very funny place.
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